'Proclaim the Word' Talk 2: 'A richer table of God's word'

In the second talk in the series ‘Proclaim the Word’, entitled ‘A richer table of God’s word’, Fr Adrian Graffy explains how after the Second Vatican Council readings from all parts of the Bible were arranged so that more abundant provision of Sacred Scripture is available to all at Mass.

The talk will be at 7 pm (tea and coffee from 6.30 pm) on Wednesday 2nd April at the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest, Gidea Park, RM2 6DH.

The talk is also available via live stream on www.whatgoodnews.org. No need to book for this free event.

Study Day: Inter Faith Dialogue with Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald

This year marks sixty years since Nostra Aetate, the document on relations with other Faiths of the Second Vatican Council. Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald worked for decades in this area, particularly in the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Cardinal Michael spoke on ‘Inter Faith Dialogue’ on Saturday 22nd February at the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest, Gidea Park.

A recording of the two parts of the event is available at the link below.

Welcome to What Good News!

The Christian message is good news. That is essentially what ‘gospel’ means.

Our reaction as believers to the message of Jesus, and that of millions of people throughout the last two thousand years, has been one of gratitude.

With the apostle Paul we pray: ‘May the word of Christ in all its richness find a home in you.’ (Colossians 3:16)

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Recent Publications

Henry Wansbrough (Editor)

Henry Wansbrough (Editor)

Adrian Graffy

Adrian Graffy

Adrian Graffy

Adrian Graffy

Sunday Gospels

A series of reflections for each Sunday’s gospel.

Vatican II Talks

A series of nine talks which illustrated the breadth of the work of the Second Vatican Council