Lent Readings
The Lectionary in Lent
The Scripture readings for Lent are particularly rich and a major source of help in living a good Lent. On every day in Lent the first reading is from the Old Testament, teaching us to value the Scriptures which Jesus himself knew, prayed and valued. They are chosen to match the gospel readings, taken from all four gospels, with the Gospel of John having precedence as we move deeper into Lent.
On Ash Wednesday the gospel is from the Sermon on the Mount and launches Lent with the invitation to fasting, prayer and almsgiving.
The Sunday gospel readings are very important. On the first Sunday we hear the gospel of the temptation of Christ, marking the beginning of the forty days. On the second Sunday the story of the transfiguration allows us to glimpse the glory that lies beyond the cross. On the third, fourth and fifth Sundays in Year A we are prepared for baptism at Easter by the three great gospels of the journey in faith: the woman at the well, the healing of the man born blind and the raising of Lazarus. These can be used in Years B and C if desired. On Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord we always hear, and participate in, the Passion narratives of Matthew, Mark or Luke, while on Good Friday the Gospel of John is read.
These pages are designed to help you read the texts of the readings in preparation for Mass and for reflection after Mass. Our Bible translation is the newly published Revised New Jerusalem Bible, edited by Dom Henry Wansbrough. A commentary by Fr Adrian Graffy accompanies each reading.