Dr Sidra Naeem, experienced teacher and lecturer on Islam, gave a study day entitled ‘Understanding Islam’ on Saturday 18th January 2025. Sidra is a member of the Havering Interfaith Forum, and the Standing Committee for Religious Education. Fr Adrian explained that the Second Vatican Council had encouraged Catholics to develop mutual understanding and good relations with those of other faiths, above all in order to promote social justice, peace and freedom.
Sidra began by explaining the basics of Islam: worship of one merciful Allah, the life and times of prophet Muhammad, the gift of the Quran. The five pillars of Islam include prayer five times a day, and charity of 2.5%, fasting, the month of Ramadan, the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Islam’s regard for women, which began in a society in which women were abused, and the use of the hijab were explained at some length. Fasting is practised in order to understand how the poor feel.
It was noted that the prophet Jesus is mentioned twenty-five times in the Quran. Mary is the ‘most elevated’ woman, and the virginal conception of Jesus is believed.
An extensive question and answer session followed, in which delicate topics like terrorism and war were considered.