Dr Sean Ryan addressed the theme of ‘Drawing Nearer to the Presence of God with the Apocalypse’ on 1st June 2019 at the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest in Gidea Park. Dr Ryan is Lecturer in Biblical Studies at the University of Roehampton, and a former Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Heythrop College, London.
The talks began with an exploration of the genre of the Apocalypse, pointing to links with the books of the prophets in the Old Testament. The context of the writing was examined, and the situation of emperor worship in the Roman Empire. The structure of the book reveals several groups of ‘sevens’, as history moves towards a conclusion. Heaven and earth are brought together and God dwells with his people. The fundamental message is an encouragement to worship God and bear witness to Jesus. The rulers of this world, the monsters of the Apocalypse, have limited time to play havoc.
The final session was dedicated to chapters 4 and 5 with the visions of the One seated on the Throne, and of the Lamb who was slain and yet lives for ever.