Vatican II and Beyond


Rt Hon John Battle visited Brentwood Cathedral on 12th October 2013 to lead a study day on the theme ‘Vatican II and beyond’, the last in a series of study days arranged by the Commission for Evangelisation to mark 50 years since the Second Vatican Council.

In the first part of his presentation John raised the question ‘What is the Church?’ Have we fulfilled the mandate given us by the Council? Pope Francis has spoken of a church closer to the people, a church which is in fact the People of God, and has described the Council as ‘a beautiful work of the Holy Spirit’. Gaudium et Spes speaks of our unity in Christ. Furthermore, our community is ‘linked with mankind and its history by the deepest of bonds’.

In the second and third parts of his presentation John described us as a people called and sent. How do we become brothers and sisters, particularly to the poor? Benedict XVI wrote that ‘love needs to be organised’. This is not a time for ‘lights under bushels’, as Pope Francis has said. 

This was an inspiring presentation by a man of great experience in serving his local community and the wider world.