The Flight to Egypt
This talk, divided in three parts, considers the ‘Christmas Gospels’, the gospel readings that are proclaimed in the days running up to Christmas, and through the Christmas season. The first chapter of Matthew gives the famous genealogy of Jesus, a list of forty-two generations, which is followed by the annunciation to Joseph of the coming birth of Jesus. Here we find the first of the citations of Scripture which characterise this gospel. The first chapter of Luke, much more extensive, considers the annunciation and birth of John the Baptist, the annunciation to Mary and the visitation to Elizabeth. Christmas gospels on Christmas Day are taken from the second chapter of Luke, including the visit of the shepherds, and the great Prologue of John’s gospel, where it is proclaimed that ‘the Word was made flesh’. The Word is Light, and brings Life. The story of the magi in Matthew 2 is saved for the feast of the Epiphany on January 6th, and the presentation in the temple in Luke 2 for the fortieth day after Christmas, 2nd February.